Ceci est une version d'archive [2015] // this is an archival version [2015]

Wednesdays from September 16 to October 7, inclusive, 2:45 pm

These guided tours focus on the artworks presented at Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal’s partner venues located in the de Gaspé complex (Atelier Circulaire, OPTICA, centre d’art contemporain, Occurrence espace d’art et d’essais contemporains and Centre CLARK). The tours aim at facilitating an understanding of the works by encouraging curiosity and developing critical thinking.

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

Meeting point : entrance at 5445, de Gaspé Avenue
Advance registration required: education@moisdelaphoto.com
Information: 438.763.9333

Individuals or groups of 6 people or less

Free admission

Activity offered in French and English