The Spaces of the Image

Over the past thirty years, photography has been integrated into the field of contemporary art through the work of numerous artists whose practices bring images together with scenographic experiences. The 11th presentation of Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal will explore the questions of mechanisms and staging, perceived as essential keys to reading the different photographic projects presented in recent years. Due to the range of possibilities — the technical diversity of film and digital cameras, formats, printing procedures, and the many alternatives offered in terms of museography and occupation of the space — photographers are increasingly called upon to become aware of their relationship with the exhibition. Production methods and viewing modalities, as integral parts of projects, exert a direct inf luence on the aesthetic of images. Enlargement and monumentalization of prints, slide projection, in situ conception, the making of objects and machines, visual and audio mise en scène  — for each approach there is a corresponding pragmatic use of display techniques that determines the form and meaning of the images shown. Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal 2009 will present a series of exhibitions attentive to these production conditions and scenographic issues, offering visitors a fresh approach to works and a new look at the contemporary art photography scene.


Gaëlle Morel