Carole Condé et Karl Beveridge

(Ontario, Canada)

Carole Condé et Karl Beveridge

Photographs from the series: Not a Care: A Short History of Health Care (2000), Ill Wind (2001), Calling the Shots (2002). © CARCC.

The information industry does not hold a monopoly on the representation of events with a social dimension. By means of their staged and narrative photographs, Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge propose an alternative way of addressing questions pertaining, particularly, to globalization and the future of health care. The photographic sequences they create are diametrically opposed to the repetitive and conventional images propagated by the mass media. Faithful to the spirit of Bertolt Brecht’s political theatre, Condé and Beveridge carry out an ideological critique of media representation.

Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge
Condé, born in Hamilton, Ontario, in 1940. K. Beveridge, born in Ottawa, Ontario, in 1945. Live and work in Toronto.

Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge have collaborated with various trade unions and community organizations in the production of their staged photographic work over the past 25 years. Their work has been exhibited across Canada and internationally in both the trade union movement and art galleries and museums. Recently, their work has been included in exhibitions at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art and the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography. They will be producing a public art project with the Edmonton Art Gallery in the fall of 2003.

Maison de la culture Côte-des-Neiges
5290, chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges, Montreal
(514) 872-6889
Exhibition hours : Tuesday and Wedndesday from 1pm tp 7pm, Thursday and Friday from 1pm to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday from 1pm tp 5pm
From September 4 to October 19, 2003
Opening: September 5 at 5pm